
Since graduating from the University of Southern Mississippi in 1980, Brenda's obsession with sexual abuse has destroyed hundreds of children's lives. A simple internet search will reveal "Williams v. State"  and "Hall v. State"only a couple of her proven disasters. For the best search results, include her previous surname, Brenda Chance.

Scott County, MS

Excerpts from the Chancellor's in-depth 72 page Opinion of the Court

"Apparently, once Mrs. Donald left the witness stand she had an opportunity to reflect upon her professional responsibilities and ethics insofar as they relate to rendering diagnosis on individuals she has never met nor interviewed".

"Later, on cross-examination, Donald was confronted with the ethical questions raised in some cases when a single therapist functions in both the forensic role and later, in the therapeutic role with the same patient or client. Donald was noticeable upset by this line of questioning and, in fact, changed her testimony as a result".

"Donald was retained in this action as a expert witness by Dianne, whose main objective was securing expert, forensic testimony to establish that Mike had sexually abused Emily, and should therefore have no rights of visitation. After the first couple of sessions with Emily, Donald formed the opinion that Emily had been sexually abused and was in need of therapeutic counseling".

"Instead, Donald conducted twenty three (23) sessions with Emily, each time asking more and more questions about why she didn't like her father and about all the bad things he had done to her, and going over these matters time after time after time. As noted above, Donald's constant and repeated questioning of Emily resulted in a tale which began with "Daddy hurts me when sticks his finger in my tee-tee" and gradually grew to allegations of Mike having sexually explicit magazines hidden in his room, to allegations of him touching Emily with his penis, to ejaculating on her, to taking nude photographs of her. Emily eventually told Donald that she was tired of talking about "it". In the opinion of the Court, Emily's memory of past events, became more and more corrupted and tainted with each successive session with Donald".

"Mrs. Donald proceeded in both the forensic and the therapeutic roles, lost her objectivity in this matter and became an advocate for Dianne's position in this litigation by constantly and continually questioning Emily about her father's alleged treatment of her. In effect, Emily was brainwashed"

Rankin County, MS

Excerpts from the Chancellor's scathing 31 page Opinion of the Court

"As a part of her therapy, Ms. Donald allowed Amber to cut and tear into pieces a T-shirt belonging to her father. Actually, Donald helped Amber do this by holding one end of the shirt. Under Donald's care, Amber has reached the conclusion that "I don't have a mama and a daddy"".

"The very report that caused this Court to scrutinize this case so closely is the report of Brenda Donald dated May 7, 2010. Frankly, when the Court received the report, it was astounded. As earlier indicated, this Court has throughout this proceeding made it clear that it was and is the intention of the Court to put into place a plan of reunification of mother and daughter. Donald recommends that neither Susan nor Tim ever have any contact with their daughter whatsoever. It was upon receipt of this report that the Court realized a grievous error in judgement has been made in allowing Donald to "treat" Amber. The Court purposefully puts quotes around the word "treat" to signify its disdain for what Donald has done to this child. This Court cannot imagine that Donald has treated Amber in any sort of way. Instead, it is the powerful conviction of this Court that the heart and soul of Amber have been corrupted under Donald's care, and under Betsy Hanson's custody. Whether or not this was done independently of Betsy Hanson, independently of Brenda Donald, or the two of them acting in concert will likely never be known or exposed. But this Court is sure of this: Amber is much the worse during her time under the care of Brenda Donald and the custody of Betsy Hanson".

"Suffice it to say, Amber is a very disturbed and sick child. She wants to kill her mother, make her bleed and hates her. This is sickening to the Court. As much as this sickens the Court, the Court is convincingly persuaded that Brenda Donald , rather than try to ameliorate the hatred, has exacerbated it. She made this resoundingly clear during her testimony".

"This Court has already found that Susan Price did not sexually abuse Amber. Brenda Donald is the chief advocate that she did, but her testimony about what Amber said is imprecise, vague and ambiguous".

"The Court enjoins all parties from allowing Amber to be seen or be treated by Brenda Donald". 


If your objective is to destroy the child's relationship with the parent and scramble the child's mind, take them to Brenda Donald. She can testify in court, write reports and lie through her teeth, which will guarantee to cost the other parent thousands of dollars in legal fees. Brenda Donald describes her profession as a "Psychotherapist" , she has the first six letters of her profession correct.